Dragon Wallpapers - Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like a huge lizard, or a snake with two pairs of lizard-type legs, and able to emit fire from their mouths. The European dragon has bat-type wings growing from its back. A dragon-like creature with no front legs is known as a wyvern. Following discovery of how pterosaurs walked on the ground, some dragons have been portrayed without front legs and using the wings as front legs pterosaur-fashion when on the ground.
Dragon Turtle Wallpaper by MaRoC68

Dragon Spirit Wallpaper by vortexdragon

How to Train your Dragon Wallpaper by krissy

Dragon wallpaper by sandara 2 by kushion08

Red Dragon Wallpaper by DeepBlueNine

Midnight Dragon Wallpaper by Anniasha

Tribal Dragon 17 Blue Wallpaper by RPGuere

Ice Dragon Wallpaper by Aerin-Kayne

Dragon Reign Wall Paper by JonHodgson

Fire Dragon Wallpaper by spirit-warri0r

Dragon Wallpaper by Chase-SC2

Dragon Dawn by Ironshod


Dragon attack by AndreeWallin

How to capture a dragon by noah-kh

Inferno Dragon by KnightWolfAlpha

dragon by tahra

Fire Dragon by vladstudio

Hydrolic Hydra wallpaper by Ironshod

The Hoard by zilla774