Every Nancy Grace Show on HLN is exactly the same. She talks about the Casey Anthony murder trial more than Maury Povich reveals if "Cinnamon" is really a man or a woman.
Each weeknight, we find Grace and four lawyers discussing what the "Tot Mom" wore in court that day. Grace and her guests say "tot mom" at least 30 times per show. I smell a T-shirt deal.
Grace beats up the "Tot Mom" and her defense team relentlessly. She's like Madame Defarge knitting in the courtroom in A Tale of Two Cities, only with weirder eyebrows.
Grace practically wears a hypodermic needle around her neck as costume jewelry. Call off the fight, ref!
The Nancy Grace Show is the Kramer portrait on Seinfeld — she is a loathsome, offensive brute. Yet I can't look away.